Arrowsmith Program

The Fremantle Education Centre and Westdale Manor are pleased to offer the Arrowsmith Program.

Do you, or someone you know, have difficulty with:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Comprehension
  • Logical reasoning
  • Visual memory
  • Auditory memory
  • Dyslexia
  • Non-verbal learning
  • Auditory processing
  • Attention?

The Arrowsmith TM Program may be able to help!

We used to think that if someone had a learning disability it would be for life. Evidence now shows that the brain changes on a daily basis and that the weaker cognitive areas that cause learning disabilities can be strengthened so that the person becomes an effective, confident and self-directed learner. The Arrowsmith Cognitive Assessment is used to identify each individual’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses then an individualised program of cognitive exercises is given. Once the source of the learning difficulty is addressed, the learner’s ability to perform complex tasks also improves.

“Having a learning disability absolutely is not a life sentence. You can strengthen very particular parts of the brain to allow them to function and it’s amazing when it happens.”
– Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the Arrowsmith Program

The Arrowsmith program has been running for over 37 years and is operating in over 8 countries worldwide. Below are some of the areas Arrowsmith addresses:

For more information, or a brochure and prices about the Arrowsmith Program at the Fremantle Education Centre, please contact Joanne Dickenson on 04100 451 34 or via email at